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About Us


(from left to right) Asclepius, Podalirius, Machaon, Asclepius' 3 daughters ~ Greek relief ca 470- 450 BC

The name "MACHAON" (pronounced ma-kay-un) is based on a notable, accomplished, ancient Greek army physician found in Homer's Iliad. The son of Asclepius, Machaon and his brother, Podalirius, lived in approximately 1300 BC and served as doctors in the Greek army during the war with Troy. He is the first documented surgeon ever mentioned in written records and is known as the "Father of Surgery". 


The ancient Greeks are known for their advancements in science, medicine, architecture, philosophy, and the arts. MACHAON Medical Evaluations, Inc. is known for outstanding client service, performance excellence, the professionalism of our staff and experts, and honesty and integrity in the market place.


MACHAON was founded on the basic business principles of quality, professionalism, fairness in pricing, and the offering of value-added services to our clients. MACHAON builds relationships with our clients through excellence in communications, attention to detail, efficient operations and an attitude that allows flexibility. We understand that every case is different and strive to meet the specific needs of each.


MACHAON abides by timeless values: transparency, honesty, integrity and excellence. We view quality as more than just service; it's a responsibility. Our experienced team recruits the most qualified experts and our comprehensive reports meet the highest professional standards.


By providing reliable reports backed by objective evaluations from independent medical experts we have been able to build a reputation of accuracy and dependability. In a fast- paced and ever- changing environment we know that credibility is paramount.


We have forged strong relationships with our clients and experts based on loyalty, knowledge and mutual respect. Our staff is dedicated to meeting your medical evaluation needs with personalized excellence every time.

Greek swordsmen observe as Machaon removes an arrow from the chest of Menelaus ~ chalcography, Nenci F., 1837

A Classic Return to Service

1401 E Jefferson St. Suite 500,
Seattle, WA 98122


Copyright © 2019 MACHAON Medical Evaluations, Inc.

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